Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Bright Future For Solar Energy

I was first introduced to solar energy in the movie, Race the Sun with James Belushi and Halley Berry in the lead. It was a story about low- income and under achieving Hawaiian students encouraged by their teacher to join the Solar Car race. In the movie, a car shaped like a cockroach and covered with solar panels used the sun’s rays as an alternative energy source to run the car.

Solar energy system in a house
Solar energy is the light and the heat from the sun. Solar energy is free and its supplies are unlimited. There are no air and water pollution caused about by using solar energy. But there is still some impacts on the environment although they are indirect.

Photovoltaic cells used to convert sunlight into electricity uses silicon and also produce some waste materials. There are also large solar thermal farms and these farms can also be harmful to the environment and desert ecosystems if not properly managed.

Solar energy can be used on different aspects. Solar energy can be used in agriculture. Greenhouses (which is entirely different from greenhouse gas) convert solar light to heat to be maximized in enhancing the growth of plants and crops. Greenhouses has been around since the Roman times and modern greenhouses were built in Europe in 16th century. Greenhouses are still an important part of horticulture nowadays,

Daylight systems are also being used to maximize the energy released by the sun. It is used to provide interior illumination replacing the artificial lighting. Daylight systems include sawtooth roofs, light shelf, skylights, and light tube. Daylight systems when they are properly implemented can reduce lighting-related energy consumption by 25 percent.

Solar energy can also be developed into solar thermal technologies which can be used for water heating, space heating, space cooling and process heat generation. Solar energy can also be used to distil water and make saline or brackish water potable or drinkable.

The solar water disinfection or SODIS involves exposing water-filled plastic polyethylene terephthalate or PET bottles. This process takes a long time, since the exposure time varies on the weather conditions. It requires a minimum of six hours to two days during days with overcast conditions. Currently, there are two million people in developing centuries use SODIS for their daily drinking water needs.

Also sunlight can be converted into electricity using photovoltaics or PV. PV has been mainly used to power small and medium-sized things like a calculator powered by a single solar cell. There are homes powered by photovoltaics. Using solar energy for water and space heating is the most widely use application of solar energy. While ventilation and solar air heating is also growing in popularity.
There are three main ways in using solar energy. The main way of using and converting solar energy is by using the solar cells. Solar cells convert light directly into electricity. Solar cells are also called photovoltaic or photoelectric cells.

Meanwhile, solar furnaces use a huge array of mirrors to concentrate on the Sun’s energy into a small space and produced very high temperatures. Solar furnaces are also called “solar cookers”. A solar cooker can be used in hot countries to cook food.

With all the benefits if using solar energy, there is still a downside for this alternative energy source. It does not work during night time. The cost of setting up solar stations is expensive, but the benefit of using solar energy when accumulated is so much more.

Get The Most Of Your Solar Energy

Get the most out of your solar energy

Say hello to the sunlight! As the sun shines down upon us, it is imperative that we harness that energy. In other words, there is a constant source of non-polluting power. If you're interested in solar energy, the following article has some great advices for you.

If you lease solar panels, be sure the contact can be transferred to your lease. This is important since selling your home could mean you have to pay for a unit you can't use. When you have this option in your contract, you and your prospects will reap the rewards.

It is important to have a backup system in place in case the solar energy system fails or breaks. It is always a wise idea to remain connected to your local power grid or invest in a generator. If you choose to go the generator route, consistently test it. You may also want to have multiple generators.

Even if your area is cloudy and cold, you can still use solar energy. Modern, high efficiency panels can produce plenty of energy even with limited sunlight. In fact, people often report that they produce more energy on overcast days.

Crunch your numbers before investing in solar panels for your home. Depending on your location, solar panels may not be worth the investment. If you move too fast into solar without crunching the numbers, you might be given a rude awakening when you are done.

Solar energy is an excellent way to reduce the quantity of pollutants you generate. There are smaller machines that run on solar energy. For instance, you can use solar-powered generators. These generators are particularly great for dealing with long power outages.

If your new home is being built, you should look into solar energy for it. Solar energy is going to be the next energy production that has practically non-existent environmental effects. If you haven't checked this energy source out, you should now.

Many people don't realize that when you have a solar power system, you do not have to hook up to a power grid. The solar power system provides your home with all the electricity it needs; therefore, you do not have to worry about losing power whenever your city does. You will be able to avoid monthly electric bills and eliminate the need to acquire power at a new home should you move.
It may be wise to buy fewer solar panels, given the high cost. Hire an energy auditor to visit your home and see how energy is used. This allows you to discover your energy waste issues. As a result, you can reduce the amount of solar panels required.

Avoid salespeople who are pushy when trying to sell you a solar power system. They're common, sadly. You should always consider such an expensive investment carefully and get several estimates. If they say it is currently a good deal, then it ought to be a good deal in the future. Don't be pressured into making such an important decision without carefully considering all of your options.

Check your solar panel a few times a year to determine its efficiency. During this inspection, your technician will ensure all connections are tight, the angle of your panels are correct and the power inverter is working properly.

Shade areas around your home and property must be a consideration when deciding if you should convert to solar power. Solar panels won't work if your location is too shady. Excessive shade will keep you from getting the most out of your soalr panel investment.

If solar panels are too expensive for you, think about renting them. This allows you to save a great deal of money because it does not require a large up-front investment.

In order to maximize the money you can save by using solar energy, consider using a solar panel system that is tied to the power grid. With a grid tied system, you have the ability to sell any excess energy back to your local power company. This can mean offsetting the installation costs and getting your money back faster.

You can potentially get solar panels for little money and maybe even free! Solar energy is big right now and the government might even give you money to install a system. Who knows?

If you pay quite a bit for electricity and live somewhere that the sun goes over throughout the day, solar energy is something to consider. In this case, your investment in purchase and installation will be well worth it.

If your roof tends to be shady, it probably isn't the best spot to place your panels. Don't trust solar companies that claim that you will still get plenty of electricity from solar panels that are only exposed to shade. This is a lie.

They are helpful, but only if they're used. The benefits from having this knowledge can help you finish your solar energy system on budget and time. Switch today using this article as your jumping off point.